Nov 17, 2010

Login Dengan Beberapa Username Menggunakan Multifox

Jika anda memiliki beberapa akun dari layanan seperti Gmail atau Twitter dan anda menggunakan Firefox, anda hanya dapat login menggunakan 1 username saja dalam waktu yang sama. Multifox adalah ekstensi Firefox yang memungkinkan Firefox untuk tersambung dengan sebuah website menggunakan beberapa username yang berbeda. Jadi jika anda memiliki beberapa akun Gmail, anda dapat membuka semua akun Gmail anda secara bersamaan. Setiap window Firefox akan dapat mengakses setiap akun tanpa saling mengganggu.

Berikut adalah beberapa fitur dari Multifox:

  • Login akan disimpan dengan cara yang sama seperti window biasa, bahkan saat anda tutup window tersebut ataupun keluar dari Firefox.
  • Profil dan identitas dari setiap window akan disimpan dan dapat digunakan saat Firefox kembali dibuka.
  • Window baru yang dibuka akan memiliki profil identitas sama seperti window asal mereka dibuka.
  • Multifox mulai dari 2, karena 1 dianggap sebagai Firefox identity profile yang normal.

    Memberi Password Pada Folder Dengan My Lockbox

    Sistem operasi Windows tidak menyediakan fitur untuk melindungi suatu folder dengan password. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan masalah, karena banyak sekali orang yang berbagi komputer dengan orang lain. Bahkan terkadang mereka semua menggunakan user account yang sama sehingga seluruh file yang ada dapat diakses oleh semua orang. Dalam kondisi seperti ini, seseorang dapat saja tanpa sengaja menghapus file penting milik orang lain tanpa menyadarinya.

    Untuk keamanan, orang-orang yang berbagi komputer sebenarnya tidak harus memiliki user account masing-masing. Mereka hanya perlu satu folder yang dapat mereka gunakan untuk menyimpan file-file penting mereka dengan aman. My Lockbox adalah aplikasi untuk Windows yang dapat melindungi suatu folder dengan password untuk keamanan. Aplikasi My Lockbox ini dapat digunakan di komputer yang memakai sistem operasi Windows XP, Vista, dan Windows 7. Tersedia versi gratis dari aplikasi ini, namun versi gratis ini hanya dapat melindungi satu folder saja dalam sebuah komputer.

    Dengan aplikasi My Lockbox suatu folder dapat dilindungi, dan dapat dibuka kembali saat dibutuhkan. Kita bahkan dapat membuat aplikasi-aplikasi lain tidak dapat mengakses folder yang kita pilih. Beberapa fitur lain yang dimiliki My Lockbox adalah hotkey untuk membuka control panel dengan cepat, perlindungan password yang efektif, intant protection, dan masih banyak lagi.

    Walaupun sangat bermanfaat, aplikasi semacam My Lockbox ini tidak akan pernah menjadi sebuah aplikasi yang populer dan banyak digunakan. Akan lebih baik seandainya Windows sebagai sistem operasi yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia menyediakan fitur perlindungan folder semacam ini sebagai fitur standar.
    Jika anda menggunakan sebuah komputer bersama-sama dengan orang lain dengan user account yang sama, ada baiknya anda memanfaatkan aplikasi My Lockbox ini. Setidaknya aplikasi ini dapat membantu untuk melindungi privasi anda dari gangguan orang-orang yang usil.

    Mempercanggih Fungsi Copy Di komputer anda

    Bagi para pengguna komputer, mengcopy file adalah proses yang sangat sering dilakukan. Sistem operasi Windows telah menyediakan fasilitas untuk mengcopy file sebagai fungsi standar. Masalahnya, fungsi copy bawaan Windows tidak menyediakan banyak fitur, dan hanya sebagai alat sederhana untuk mengcopy ataupun memindah file ke lokasi yang diinginkan. Sistem operasi Windows yang terbaru pun, yaitu Windows 7 dan Vista, hanya menambahkan fasilitas untuk melihat informasi mengenai proses transfer yang sedang dilakukan, yang sebenarnya juga tidak terlalu bermanfaat.

    Para pengguna komputer membutuhkan fitur tambahan yang benar-benar bermanfaat saat mengcopy atau memindah file, contohnya fitur pause dan resume, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk melakukan hal lain terlebih dahulu saat sedang mengcopy file berukuran besar, tanpa harus membatalkan proses copy yang sedang berlangsung.

    UltraCopier adalah tool gratis untuk Windows, yang dapat menambahkan fitur-fitur yang berguna pada fungsi copy. Dengan UltraCopier kita dapat mengontrol kecepatan copy, menentukan alokasi disk space, melakukan pause dan resume, mengubah prioritas proses copy, dan masih banyak lagi. Tool ini juga menampilkan info detil mengenai file yang sedang dicopy.

    Tool UltraCopier ini dapat digunakan pada komputer dengan sistem operasi Windows XP dan Windows versi lain yang lebih baru.

    Mengunci Komputer Dengan USB Flash Drive

    Kita semua sudah akrab dengan USB flash drive yang juga sering kita sebut dengan flash disk. Ternyata, flash disk tidak hanya dapat kita gunakan untuk menyimpan dan membawa file saja, tapi juga dapat digunakan untuk mengunci komputer, dengan bantuan aplikasi bernama Predator. Konsepnya sederhana, yaitu saat kita mencabut flask disk kita, komputer akan terkunci. Kemudian saat kita mencolokkan kembali flash disk tersebut, komputer akan dapat digunakan kembali.

    Cara menggunakan aplikasi Predator ini sangat sederhana. Kita hanya perlu mencolokkan flash disk, menjalankan aplikasi Predator, dan mulai bekerja. Saat kita perlu meninggalkan komputer sebentar, kita tinggal mencabut flash disk kita, dan keyboard serta mouse akan terkunci. Layar komputer juga akan menjadi gelap. Saat kita kembali, kita hanya perlu mencolokkan kembali flash disk yang berfungsi sebagai kunci tadi, dan kita dapat langsung melanjutkan pekerjaan.

    Aplikasi Predator juga dapat di-setting untuk menggunakan password saat kita akan membuka kunci komputer. Sebagai antisipasi apabila flash disk yang berfungsi sebagai kunci utama hilang, kita dapat membuat kunci cadangan dengan flash disk lain, yang dapat digunakan dalam keadaan darurat.

    Aplikasi Predator ini tersedia dalam versi berbayar dan versi gratis. Kita dapat menggunakannya dengan gratis asalkan untuk penggunaan pribadi saja. Sayangnya, aplikasi ini hanya dapat digunakan pada komputer yang memakai sistem operasi Windows saja.

    Nov 13, 2010

    Shutdown Praktis Dengan Down Time 1.1

    Shutdown Praktis Dengan Down Time 1.1 : Untuk melakukan shutdown biasanya diperlukan “ritual” yang membutuhkan beberapa langkah hanya untuk menuju pada pilihan turn off. Jika hal tersebut dirasa ribet atau kurang praktis, kita dapat mencoba menggunakan freeware yang satu ini. Adalah Down Time 1.1 yang dapat didownload secara gratis di internet dengan ukuran file yang lumayan ramping (305 kb) sehingga untuk mendownloadnya tidak perlu membutuhkan waktu yang berlama-lama.

    Dengan menggunakan freeware yang direlease sejak 21 April 2009 lalu ini, kita dapat melakukan shutdown dan aktivitas lainnya dengan hanya dua klik. Jika tertarik untuk mencobanya, silakan download saja. Setelah berhasil mendownloadnya, kemudian lakukan ekstrak terlebih dahulu. Untuk menjalankannya, klik file programnya dan kita akan melihat tampilannya, seperti di atas.

    Secara default, terdapat tiga opsi yang dapat kita pilih sehubungan dengan shutdown ini, yaitu Shutdown, Restart, Log off. Selain itu, kita juga dapat melakukan beberapa opsi yang lain, yaitu hibernate, standby, force shutdown, force reboot, force log off, dan juga shutdown & powerdown yang dapat diakses melalui menu More Options.

    Oct 8, 2010

    ChrisTV Online Premium Edition 5.00 Portable

    Special program for converting of your computer into a television set and radio receiver. CHRISTV Online! allows to look over the enormous amount of TV-channels, wireless stations and other audio-video material, translated through a network the Internet. For everything it is utillized only connection with the Internet, and it is needed no additional equipment. In the base of the program CHRISTV Online! there are more than 800 televisional channels and more than 600 wireless stations from 100 countries of the world, the list of which brushes up daily. The choice of channels can be made after a figure, to the type, category, language, name of the station. Favourite tele- and wireless stations it is possible to add to the list favourite channels which will be shown separately in a general list.

    NEW Major Release - 7 October 2010
    • Starting with version 4.00 we are proud to present you the new member of ChrisTV Online! suite: ChrisTV • Online FREE Edition, coming as a FREEWARE for non-commercial use. ChrisTV Online! PREMIUM Edition is available as shareware with 14 days FREE trial period.
    • New major feature: adjust recording length.
    • Added support for Sopcast channels and Livestream channels.
    • Added 164 NEW TV channels from all over the world.
    • You can now add your own channels to ChrisTV Online! channels database.
    • Multilanguage interface: English, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Romanian
    • Added support for Windows 7.
    • Other small fixes and improvements.

    Aug 18, 2010

    Disable Autorun Completely 1.0

    Disable Autorun Completely allows you to disable your operating system's autorun feature. Virus or malwares always make use of Autorun feature to spread itself from removable drive / pendrive to our computer. When we disable the autorun feature through registry tweak, the feature cannot be disable completely. Now, Microsoft has given us a patch to disable autorun completely. I will show you how to disable autorun completely.

    Jul 29, 2010

    Abrosoft FantaMorph Deluxe 4.2.5

    Abrosoft FantaMorph is powerful and easy-to-use photo morphing software for the creation of fantastic photo morphing pictures and sophisticated morph animation effects. With our revolutionary rendering engine and a super-friendly user interface, creating morphing pictures and action sequences has never been easier and faster!

    Key features include:

    * Morph 2 to unlimited images
    * Skinable and multilingual user interface
    * Powerful and easy-to-use edit tools
    * Preview and Play in real time
    * Advanced morphing controls
    * Various morphing effects
    * Export morphing frames to 32-bit still images
    * Export morph animation to Image Sequence, AVI, Flash, Animated GIF, EXE, Screen Saver, etc.
    * Intelligent tools for face morphing/mixing
    * and much, much more...

    Trojan Killer

    Trojan Killer is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by some standard antivirus scanners.

    Trojan Killer scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Killer works in the field of system security to ensure safety for computer systems. We propose products to help you get rid of annoying adware, malware and other rough tools. It is very important to restore control on your computer as soon as possible and do not allow anyone to use your data.

    Home Page -

    HiDownload Platinum v7.90 Multilingual

    HiDownload is a multi-threaded download manager that allows you to download individual files (or lists of files) from web and FTP sites while maximizing the potential of your internet connection. It also supports multimedia streaming and and RTSP (Real Time streaming Protocol) with optional resume, enabling you to download movies, music and capture Streaming video and audio,record radio from Internet. It also offers a tool to analyze MMS/RTSP URLs, as well as a built-in Broadcast Manager.

    In addition, it provides all the standard features of a download manager, including scheduling, drop basket, download history, clipboard monitoring, download categories as well as zip preview and more.

    HiDownload Key Features:

    • Accelerated Downloads: By splitting the files into several parts and downloading them at the same time you save time.
    • Support multi-protocols: HTTP, FTP, MMS, MMSU, MMST, RTSP, PNM
    • Download all streams files: wmv ,wma, asf, asx, rm, ra, rmvb, ram, smil, smi, rpm, mov, flv, pls, m3u, and more
    • Support rapidshare, megaupload and other similar sites (Premium Account)
    • Download Streaming Video and Record Streaming Audio
    All the popular streaming formats are supported, including:
    * Windows Media™ (wmv, asf, wma, asx, ...)
    * Real Audio™ and Real Video™ (rm, ra, rmvb, ram, rpm, smil, smi, rp, rt, ...)
    * QuickTime™ (mov, mp4, qt, ...)
    * Flash™ Video (.FLV)
    * Shoutcast™, IceCast Streaming MP3 (mp3, ...)
    • Record all kinds of great online media, including:
    * Music Videos.
    * LiveVideo, Youtube, Google, PutFile, iFilm, Break and other Flv Video Sites.
    * Live Internet TV and Radio.
    * Shoutcast™ and other Streaming MP3 radio.
    • Support Meta-files: ram, smil, smi, asx, wax, wvx, m3u, pls, ...
    • Record P2P TV Stream video and audio
    • Streaming Checker: Download media clip of range, save your time and money
    • Flv Filter: Get flv download address
    • Categories: you can easily have files of certain types downloaded automatically to a folder you specify
    • Live Broadcast Manager: Schedule to download the URL, decide when and what will be downloaded, manage the downloaded files.
    • Build-in Podcast Manager: schedule to download podcast
    • Browser Integration
    • Zip Preview: view the contents of Zip files before download
    • Zip Extract: download & extract specific files from zip archive
    • Virus Checking: You may select files that have been downloaded and scan them.
    • Support Proxy Server: You may set HiDownload to use a proxy server according to your network configuration.
    • Cookies support
    • Rename automatically

    Adobe Flash Professional CS5 11.0.1

    This Flash Professional update includes the latest AIR 2.0 support, support for creating full resolution iPad applications, bug fixes, and performance improvements in the Packager for iPhone. It also corrects issues with editing/preserving container and flow properties for linked TLF text containers, and addresses a compatibility issue with some third-party components that show blank live previews and/or cannot be dragged to the stage.

    download on hotfile :

    Little Endian SpectrumWorx v2.0.1

    Little Endian has announced the release of SpectrumWorx version 2.0 for Windows in the form of a VST effect plug-in. Branded as "the ultimate sound mangler", SpectrumWorx is said to represent Little Endian's latest advances in the frequency domain effects processing. Version 2 has been rebuilt from the ground up since being acquired from DelayDots, the company says.

    • Over fifty modules (pitch shifter, classic vocoder, wah-wah, robotizer, wobbler, autotune, reverser, etc.).
    • Sophisticated engine optimized for low CPU usage.
    • Flexible Preset browser.
    • Over 100 presets.
    • Highly configurable LFOs.
    • External audio support.
    • Presets in XML format.
    • Detailed User's Guide.

    Driver Genius Professional Edition

    Driver Genius is a powerful driver manager for Windows that can backup, restore and update your drivers in several mouse clicks!

    Backup Drivers - Driver Genius can detect and quickly backup the installed drivers in your system. It can compress the backup drivers to a zip file, self extracting file or an independent auto installer program.

    Restore Drivers - You need not install drivers one-by-one after reinstalling your operating system. Just one click is all you need to install all your backup drivers automatically. You can also install drivers in command mode silently.

    Update/Search Drivers - Are you still using an old driver or beta version drivers? These faulty drivers often cause compatibility problems and are one of the main causes of system crashes. A suitable driver can improve hardware performance by 50 or even more. There is information on more than 30,000 device drivers in the Driver Genius Database including Motherboard, Sound card, Video card, Network card, Modem, Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner, Printer, Digital devices etc. With one mouse click, Driver Genius can detect what drivers need updating. All drivers we offer are official version or WHQL versions--you can use them without any worries.

    Uninstall Drivers - There could be some leftover drivers in your system due to hardware changes or previous driver updates. Driver Genius can find these useless drivers quickly and uninstall them.

    LiveUpdate - We will update large numbers of drivers on our website. You can synchronize your database with our website to get the latest driver versions through the Liveupdate feature.

    What can I do with Driver Genius?

    Quickly backup device drivers for your computer.
    One click will install all drivers.
    Keep your drivers up to date.
    Scan and fix your driver problem.

    Adobe Photoshop CS5 12.0.1

    Adobe Photoshop CS5 - a program for processing raster graphics. Supports numerous graphic formats. Adobe Photoshop allows you to both create new images and edit them. Photoshop used to create photo-realistic images to work with color scanned images, retouching, color correction, collaging,transformation of graphs, color separation, etc.

    Adobe Photoshop has all the methods of working with bitmaps, in this case has the opportunity to work with layers and uses contours. The program is the undisputed leader among the professional image editors at the expense of its broadest features, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop provides all the necessary tools for correcting, editing, preparing images for printing and high quality output.

    A revolutionary tool for Content-Aware Fill with developed intellect can instantly remove any object or part of the image, carrying fill the space formed in the light of the other parts of the image. He just picks up light, tone and noise, depending on the surrounding area, which allows to eliminate any traces of the deleted object. With the new Refine Edge tool, users can perform the selection, which was virtually unavailable earlier. Innovative technology with high accuracy determines and creates a mask for the most complex types of objects, such as hair or foliage of trees, while not capturing the background.

    Since the advent Photoshop CS5 photographers have access to a function of the new generation for creating images with high dynamic range (HDR). Combining pictures with different exposures in a single HDR image, Photoshop CS5 accurately retains the full range of key scenes. New technology HDR Pro allows you to eliminate spurious distortions and provides more precise control of the tone mapping. With features HDR rendering, users can simulate spectacular HDR images, using a single photograph.

    Photoshop CS5 includes revolutionary tools to enhance the creative potential of users. Radically new drawing tools include a tool Mixer Brush, which mixes an infinite number of colors on one brush tool Bristle Tips, creating the effect of this smear brush. With Puppet Warp tool, users can change the position or view of any element of the image, for example, straightened his bent arm on the photos or adjust an image of the landscape to create a new spatial perspective.

    Among the most interesting innovations are the following:
    "Technology Truer Edge in Photoshop CS5 Extended, improves the delimitation of the objects in the photographs.
    "Tools Content-Aware Fill to remove from the image of an object and automatically fill the space with the relevant content.
    "Advanced tools for working with HDR-images, which include tool HDR Pro, which improved removal of artifacts and customizable images. Using the HDR-tinting, you can mimic the appearance of HDR-images for the average snapshot.
    "Tools Mixer Brush, blending the colors in one brush
    'Puppet Warp tool to strain every element of the image. It can be used, for example, to change the landscape, to create a different perspective, or to straighten a bent arm.
    "The ability to save 16-bit image format JPEG.
    "Custom mini-bar Adobe Mini Bridge for quick file management, which is available directly from the application.

    Image Line - Harmless STANDALONE FLi VSTi v1.0.6

    Harmless is an additive synthesizer doing subtractive synthesis. Or if you prefer, a subtractive synthesizer powered by an additive synthesis engine. You may ask: why? Image Line says "there are too many subtractive synthesizers already, often bragging about being virtual analog. This one is digital, and proud to be. Everything is fake, the tone generator, the filter & its resonance, the phaser, all performed on the harmonics, before partials are computed".

    Harmless is more than a proof of concept, it allows fine control that wouldn't be possible through classic subtractive synthesis. Filtering and phasing can be assigned unusual shapes & slopes, something normally only possible through offline digital filters. Filter slopes can even be defined in Hz instead of octaves. Finally, you get control on each partial's frequency, creating timbres definitely impossible using common synthesis methods.

    Harmless is additive doing subtractive. Harmonics are not produced to be filtered, the timbre is filtered before being generated. This may sound like a detail, but generating sounds this way offers a lot more advantages than drawbacks. Powered by a highly optimized, multi-threaded additive engine, CPU usage is comparable to the one of traditional subtractive synthesizers, especially for low-passed timbres. Voices may be generating hundreds of harmonics in parallel and still not overload the CPU. Harmless was limited by design. No tabs, no hidden controls, no multi-point envelopes. All features are visible at once, and color-grouped. Over 100 parameters, most of which being automatable, are laid over a clear GUI.

    Simpler to program, yet packed with evil features. Under the hood, you will find unique options, like linking the phaser's output to partials frequencies. The LFO section can act as a special modulation source, linking the phaser's width to the velocity, or the pitch to the filter's envelope. Of course, Harmless also offers features typically unique to additive synthesis, like its automatable harmonic mask. Harmless is also packed with effects, the usual chorus, delay & reverb, but also a multi-band compressor/limiter powered by Maximus itself. It also inherited the powerful unison from Sytrus.

    password: here

    CoolwareMax Face Off Max v3.1.4.8

    Face Off Max - Make fun photo by putting your face on another body using any photo or template. Haven't you ever wondered how you would look if you had another body? Wouldn't it be great to see your face in a celebrity group or on a magazine cover? Now Face Off Max enables you to embarrass your coworkers, make yourself look cool and make your friends look like dweebs all with a few clicks of the mouse. Our amazingly simple and easy interface, step-by-step instruction and hundreds of fantastic templates allow anyone to be a professional artist.

    Key Features
    • Easy to Use
    Amazingly simple and easy interface allows anyone to be an artist.
    • Real Skin Blending
    Make headswaps look better than other photo editors.
    • Fantastic Template
    Hundreds of cool templates designed by professional artists.
    • Easy to Share
    Perfect for Email, myspace, facebook, ecards, fakes, jokes and many more!

    Spy Emergency 2010 v8.0.205.0 Multilanguage

    Spy Emergency is the anti spyware, anti malware, anti spam solution that fast and secure removes spyware, malware, spam and other internet threats from your computer. Spy Emergency protects you against thousands of various infections and potencially unwanted software, including spyware, adware, spam, virus, trojans, worms, homepage hijackers, remote administration tools, activex components, dialers, scumware, keyloggers, data mining software, toolbars, tracking cookies, browser, hijackers/BHO's. Spy Emergency do not slow down your computer and still protects you while your are working not like others spyware removal software. Spy Emergency has more than 985,000 threat definitions in its signature database! Small and regular definition updates greatly reduce update downloading time. Spy Emergency is ready to fight malware on Windows Vista operating systems.

    Spy Emergency Features:
    • Support for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers
    • Scan of your system memory
    • Scan of your registry
    • Scan of your storage
    • Built-in anti-spam
    • System directory storage scan
    • Tracking cookies scan
    • Host file scan
    • Hijackers scan
    • Heuristic malware detection
    • Polymorhic malware detection
    • Generic unpacker with support for UPX, Aspack
    • Command line interface
    • Automatic LSP stack repair
    • Real-time memory shields that blocks spyware before it executes
    • Prevention shields that blocks malware installation
    • Browser shields, including homepage shield
    • Tracking cookies shields
    • Automatic database updates
    • News updates
    • Individual spy restore functionality
    • Keeplist
    • Scheduling support
    • Simple configuration
    • Intuitive and clear user interface for spyware removal
    • Handy Shell Extension Scanning
    • Skin support
    • Language support
    • Premium Technical support
    • and much more...


    · 400 MHz processor or better
    · 256 MB of RAM available
    · 300 MB of free hard disk space

    OO Defrag Professional v12.5.351 x86 & x64

    The new O&O Defrag 12 Professional Edition unleashes the hidden performance of your computer. O&O Defrag optimizes your hard disk and efficiently packs file fragments together again. O&O Defrag 12 is everything superior defragmentation software should be: it gives you fully automatic defragmentation for the home user as well as expert-level professional setting options.

    New functions in version 12
    All your system's files will be sorted by O&O Defrag 12 according to their level of use, and each one will be separated into its own section of the hard disk. Thanks to the division into drive zones, all files are rearranged optimally after the defragmentation. O&O Defrag 12 introduces 3 new defragmentation methods, which work perfectly in combination with the previous methods. All of this will allow you to start your computer and its programs faster than before, and actually prevent any sudden increase in fragmentation. In addition, subsequent defragmentations will run much faster. Zone filing can also be supplemented by a user defined file organization.

    Creation and consequence of fragmented files

    Fragmentation can drastically slow your computer down. When saved by the operating system, files are broken into fragments and dispersed across the entire hard disk. Increased fragmentation ends up having an extremely negative effect on your access times. O&O Defrag is the perfect remedy. A defragmentation rearranges the individual data fragments and writes them contiguously on the hard disk. This is really the only way for your computer to regain its original power and performance.

    Drive zones
    The data is inspected according to set criteria, and then filed into separate zones on the hard disk. A special algorithm organizes the data optimally onto the disk following the defragmentation. System files which have to be accessed quickly, for example, will be separated from the rest. Between the zones there is free space so that new files can be immediately moved to the correct zone. This logical organization considerably reduces the time needed for future fragmentation, and also prevents new fragmentation from occurring in the first place.

    Automatic defragmentation run
    The O&O-OneClickDefrag wizard makes it easier to select the optimal strategy for automatic defragmentation. Depending on how you use your computer, whether for gaming or for work, O&O Defrag configures different strategies and combinations for automatic defragmentation, and over time, even adapts to new circumstances. In addition, you can set O&O Defrag to start the defragmentation whenever a certain fragmentation level is reached on the hard disk or partition. The defragmentation can be run on a certain day of the week, or whenever your screen saver is active. You can stop or resume the defragmentation whenever you wish, since O&O Defrag immediately recognizes where the defragmentation was stopped.

    Power Management for Netbooks and Notebooks
    The O&O IntelligentPowerControl technology ensures a special support for mobile systems. As soon as your Internet or notebook is separated from external power resources, O&O Defrag switches to a standby mode and the defragmentation is paused. This guarantees that no battery power is used for defragmentation, and you can finish your work with all available power resources. Once you reconnect your notebook, the defragmentation will be automatically resumed.

    Made in Germany. Made in Berlin.
    All O&O product are developed and serviced in Berlin. We take the concerns of our customers very seriously because we know just how important their data is for them: and what’s more, we’ve been doing this for over ten years!

    System Requirements
    512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM recommended)
    50 MB free hard disk space
    Windows™ 2000 Pro, XP, Vista®, Windows 7 (from Windows™ XP 32-bit/ 64-bit)

    3D DropClock Screensaver v1.01

    Dropclock is an aesthetically intriguing motion clock screensaver. Every minute of real time is numerically expressed with heavy Helvetica dropping into water in super slow-motion. Be captivated as the contrasting elements of organic water and solid typography infinitely morph and mix.


    Plug-In Conspiracy Plug-Ins Bundle VST 1.0 HACKED

    HACKED NOTE: All of those plugins are hacked and now they can report correct plugins' name to your DAW. Enjoy this fine release!.

    VU Meters
    This is a stereo pair of standard-compliant VU Meters. While most digital audio workstations feature peak metering, the classic VU Meter seems to be almost forgotten. But, in contrast to a peak meter, it has a much longer integration time and can therefore give information on the average levels and long term dynamics rather than just the short peaks.

    This plug-in shapes transients by continuously comparing several envelope followers with different time constants. What's special about it is, that all envelope followers work in the logarithmic domain, making the process completely independent of input levels. The process works best on percussive signals.

    Buss Compressor
    The Buss Compressor is a modern VCA-type compressor, especially tailored for program material. It features a feedback topology with a soft knee depending on the ratio, making the compression smooth and musical.

    Console EQ
    The Console EQ is inspired by the channel equalizers of classic mixing desks. There are three bands with �} 15 dB of gain each. The filters are very smooth and their shapes are highly gain and frequency-dependent, making this EQ very intuitive and musical.

    The Saturator increases the perceived loudness, warmth and harmonic content of the audio material by applying a smooth non-linear characteristic. It can be used to maximize or inflate a mix or to simply increase the impact and punch of single tracks.


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    R-Studio 5.2 build 130723 Portable

    R-Studio is a family of powerful and cost-effective undelete and data recovery software. Empowered by the new unique data recovery technologies, it is the most comprehensive data recovery solution for recovery files from FAT12/16/32, NTFS, NTFS5 (created or updated by Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista), HFS/HFS+ (Macintosh), Little and Big Endian variants of UFS1/UFS2 (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris) and Ext2FS/Ext3FS (Linux) partitions. It functions on local and network disks, even if such partitions are formatted, damaged or deleted. Flexible parameter settings give you absolute control over data recovery. The R-Studio data recovery software was originally developed for use by data recovery experts, system administrators, IT professionals, and advanced and experienced computer users. Some of R-Studio's features were even designed exclusively for computer forensic experts, and most R-Studio users don't need every single feature of the software.

    Because of the many features presented in R-Studio, there may be inexperienced users who find its interface and abundant functionality a bit confusing. We've actually tried to simplify the software interface as much as possible and have included a detailed Help Manual with the product. However, we recommend to those who still feel uncomfortable with the software after reading the Manual that they start their data recovery experience with the R-Undelete file recovery tool. Its three-step wizard-oriented user interface provides an easier way to perform ordinary data recovery tasks without any compromise to their efficiency. It's the best choice for basic and some advanced data recovery needs. Below you may compare the main features of R-Studio and R-Undelete.

    R-Studio utilities recover files:
    • Deleted without Recycle Bin, or when Recycle Bin has been emptied;
    • Removed by virus attack or power failure;
    • After the partition with the files was reformatted, even for different file system;
    • When the partition structure on a hard disk was changed or damaged. In this case, R-Studio utilities can scan the hard disk trying to find previously existed partitions and recover files from found partitions.
    • From hard disk with bad sectors. R-Studio Data Recovery Software can first copy the entire disk or its part into an image file and then process such image file. This is especially useful when new bad sectors are constantly appearing on the hard disk, and remaining information must be immediately saved.

    R-Studio Data Recovery Features :
    • Standard "Windows Explorer" - style interface.
    • Host OS: Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, Vista.
    • Data recovery over the Network. Files can be recovered on network computers running Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista, Macintosh, Linux and UNIX.
    • Supported file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32,NTFS, NTFS5 (created or updated by Win2000/XP/2003/Vista), HFS/HFS+ (Macintosh), Little and Big Endian variants of UFS1/UFS2 (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Solaris) and Ext2FS/Ext3FS (Linux).
    • Recognition and parsing Dynamic (Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista), Basic(MBR) and BSD (UNIX) partitions layout schema and Apple partition map. Dynamic partitions over GPT are supported as well as dynamic partitions over MBR.
    • Damaged RAID recovery. If OS cannot recognize your RAID, you can create a virtual RAID from its components. Such virtual RAID can be processed like a real one.
    • Creates IMAGE FILES for an entire Hard Disk, Partition or its part. Such image files can be compressed and split into several files to put it on CD/DVD/Flash or FAT16/FAT32. Then the image files can be processed like regular disks.
    Data recovery on damaged or deleted partitions, encrypted files (NTFS 5), alternative data streams (NTFS, NTFS 5).
    • Recovering data if:
    * FDISK or other disk utilities have been run;
    * VIRUS has invaded; FAT is damaged; MBR is destroyed.
    • Recognizes localized names.
    • Recovered files can be saved on any (including network) disks accessible by the host operating system.
    • File or disk content can be viewed and edited with the advanced hexadecimal editor. The editor supports NTFS file attribute editing.

    New R-Studio features in version 5.x:
    * RAID 6 support, including Reed-Solomon and Vertical XOR. Support for custom-specified RAID 6 layouts.
    * Advanced object copy. In addition to byte to byte copy of any object visible in the Drives panel, smart copy of partitions and hard drives with size and offset adjustment is available.
    * Support for 64- and 32-bit Windows versions. Under a 64-bit Windows, R-Studio overcomes the 3GB RAM limit for a 32-bit application and utilizes all physical RAM installed in the 64-bit Windows machine. This greatly enhances performance of the software, especially when scanning high-capacity disks.

    Download :

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (Rip)

    PC game | Genre: X-treme Sports | 160 MB

    Players take on the role of legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk and 13 other athletes as they skate through enormous free roaming levels, choose from 190 progressively harder goals and build their skills to perform 14 of the greatest skateboarding stunts of all time. Career mode allows players to earn respect and the chance to take on all new pro goals by conquering a skater-specific Pro Challenge based on each skater's personal history.

    Just when you thought the game couldn't get any better, Tony takes it to a new level with a revamped career mode challenging you to become a pro. The legendary THPS addictive gameplay and intuitive controls are tuned and ready to guide you through 9 levels of amateur ranks to your ultimate goal - living the life of a pro. Think turning pro looks easy? Find out for yourself.

    Portable Roll Roll Bounce Bounce 1.0

    Release: 2010 | PC | Windows | English | Developer: Cintamani Studios | 55 MB
    Genre: Arcade

    Take control over the small ball and see if your reflexes and memory are sharp enough to reach the end of each course! Roll Roll Bounce Bounce is a casual arcade-maze type game. In it you take control over a small ball. Your goal is to reach the end of each course. Be wary because as soon as you enter the course the clock starts ticking! Test your reflexes and memory and see if you got what it takes to reach the end of each course!

    System requirements:
    Windows XP/Vista/7
    DirectX 7
    1 GHz
    512 MB RAM

    StarCraft II Wings of Liberty-RELOADED

    PC Game | English | Window | Strategy | 7.16 GB

    So why do you need Starcraft II? Well, 11 million Starcraft fans can't be wrong. The original Starcraft made its debut in 1998, and it quickly became one of the most popular real-time strategy games of all time. Since then, we've been waiting with bated breath for the sequel, which has been hinted at and teased since its official announcement in 2007. So why did it take so long? Because that is precisely how long it took to fill it with the perfect amount of awesome. It's a continuation of the epic struggle between the human Terrans, the insect-like Zerg and the psionic Protoss. Fans of the original will see some familiar faces, as well as a cast of new heroes as they do battle across the galaxy with veteran, upgraded and brand new unit types. To remain consistent with the game's new-millennium feel, the gaming service has been completely revamped to offer noticeable enhancements and new features in multiplayer mode. The fun of Starcraft II is not limited to those who played the first Starcraft, however. Even if you were a toddler when the first game came out, you'll be able to choose your faction and jump right into the fray.

    how to play :
    1. Unrar
    2. Burn or mount the image
    3. Install the game. When the game is installed in offline mode, a message
    will be displayed that you need to be online. Click the orange button to
    enter a media key: G8MN8UDG6NA2ANGY6A3DNY82HRGF29ZH
    If you have an internet connection enabled during setup, at the end of
    the setup, the autoupdate starts, close the autoupdate window
    4. Copy over the update files to the install dir and run update.bat
    5. Copy over the cracked content to the install dir
    6. Play the game


    Portable Rhythm Zone 1.0.2

    Release: 2010 | PC | Windows | English | Developer: Sonic Boom | 285 MB
    Genre: Arcade, Simulator

    Rhythm Zone is the future of real music gaming. Pick any song from your music library and experience the exciting falling-note beat-matching gameplay set to surreal background visuals.

    Game features:
    Game Your Music: Upload and play your favorite songs from every genre of music! From pop to rock to hip hop and more, Rhythm Zone supports a wide variety of music files and will identify most common songs against our database.
    Online Leaderboards: Compare your scores to your friends and check out who is the best in the world.

    Achievements: Earn over 50 Steam achievements by playing your music.
    Visualizers: Dynamic background visualizers that are based on your music and performance; create a unique game experience each time you play!
    Focus Power: Hit note streaks to earn score multipliers and the ability to unleash your inner rock star.
    Updates: But wait - there's more! Downloadable song packs and content updates on the horizon.

    System requirements:
    Windows XP/Vista
    1.5 GHz
    512 MB RAM

    Download From HotFile

    Crazy Taxi 3 - Portable

    Trade in those furry dice, sit back and get ready to make some crazy money. From the vertical streets of the West Coast to the frantic mayhem of the Small Apple and the zany nightlife of Glitter Oasis, you'd better get ready to throw the highway code out of the window - 'cos this is driving Crazy Taxi 3 style.
    Bring chaos to the streets day and night, meet all-new crazy passengers and race like mad across the city to their destinations. You gotta get that dude there on time!

    - Drive through day or night including the new location of Glitter Oasis, a wild Las Vegas style city.
    - Choose from 12 crazy drivers and their cabs, including 4 all-new cabbies.
    - Impress your customers with Crazy Drifting and Crazy Jumping for that extra tip.
    - Play from a range of Wild 'n' Crazy mini-games.
    Min Requirements:
    OS: WinXp/Win2k/Win9x
    CPU: 1.0 GHz
    MEM: 256 MB RAM
    GFX: 32 MB 3D Vid Card
    * Works perfect on Windows 7 x64 Hope you Enjoy!